
thread: 2006-01-13 : Push and pull aside, co-ownership

On 2006-01-17, Vincent wrote:

Here are the rules I'm imagining.

If you have a flashback with a rival:
-Add 2 dice to your pool.
If the scene includes a conflict roll:
-If you win the roll, get +1 Steel.
-If you lose the roll, get +1 Fire.
If it includes more than one conflict roll:
-You choose which single one is the significant one.

So, maybe Ann's going for the two dice plus the +1 Fire, but she's risking getting two dice plus +1 Steel, or just two dice, depending on how the scene actually plays out.

Ben will get two dice out of it too, plus the opposite stat bonus - or no stat bonus if there's no roll.

No nested flashbacks allowed.


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