
thread: 2005-11-10 : Open House: Ask a Frequent Question...

On 2006-01-27, Vincent wrote:

Yeah, Mark, that's how I understood you. "Ongoing informed agreement" rules out non-ephemeral forms. That is, when you introduce any distance between creator and audience, you no longer have the possibility of ongoing informed agreement; instead, you split the participants very really into creator and audience.

I am not an art theoretician! I am talking out my butt!


This makes ethan go "Dude."
How do you type with your butt?

This makes VB go "VERY SLOWDBLUY"

This makes XP go "You take a pencil"
squeeze down hard and do a little dance over the keyboard. As for ephemeral, there might be transcripts of the game or stories told to other people about the game, but I guess those are byproducts, right?

This makes VB go "transcripts and stuff..."
...have creators and audience. The audience doesn't get to participate in the ongoing informed agreement; the interaction between the creators and the audience of a transcript is fundamentally dissimilar to the interaction between the original participants.

This makes DY go "But the Original Participants"
can be roleplaying, can't they? If not, why not? (comment 85)

This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

if you're human, not a spambot, type "human":