
thread: 2005-11-10 : Open House: Ask a Frequent Question...

On 2006-02-16, Vincent wrote:

Clinton: When do you know a game design just isn't going to work? At what point in the design process do you say, "Ok, fun experiment, but, you know, time to pull the life support."

Well, for me it's when it's been months and months since I thought about it, and then I happen onto it again, and I'm embarrassed by what I'd done. If I'm not embarrassed, hell, who knows, maybe I'll resuscitate the bastard.

Either that or when I've used so many of its ideas elsewhere that it's like a picked-over carcass, useless.

Sometimes I threaten to chuck a game mid-design, or while I'm at it chuck the whole stupid unrewarding endeavor OF game design, but that never works out for me.

I refuse to believe that Face of Angels isn't going to work, by the way.


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