
thread: 2006-02-16 : Throwing It Open: Pulling the Plug

On 2006-02-17, Tris wrote:

I bang ideas together in my head, and most get to the "and those two go together like that, that will work" stage, and that's as far as I usually go.  Like, the first stage of design, the broad scale creation, is what thrills me.  When I find that these elements I've invented mesh, like *that*, I grin, think about it for a bit, and then start something else.

Anything that is going to get developed further than this (and this is perhaps 1 in 10 ideas) sort of splurges mostly formed from my head into the nearest notebook/pc.  Then it gets however much development is coming to it (usually only enough to make it playable with a few friends) and then it gets abandoned in favour of the next few things I'm thinking about.

I have had a total of ONE design which WILL reach a broader stage, and I find the fine scale development slightly tedious, compared to making up new stuff.  This is offset by some very kind things people have said about the early versions, which keep me fired up to work on this thing.

I'm somewhat in awe of people who seem to keep a project for six months, mulling it over, then come back to it and rewrite it, and repeat until it's done.  For me, it lives or dies when it splurges out of my head.


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