thread: 2006-02-16 : Throwing It Open: Pulling the Plug
On 2006-02-18, Ben Lehman wrote:
So after the rather strange reference to me, here's what I actually do:
I sit down with my computer in front of me. I pull up a couple of word documents —either seperate parts of one project I'm working on or a few different projects. I try to write on these. If I get into a roll, I close the other ones and I write and write and write on that one.
Which one is pretty random, as far as I can tell. It's definitely beyond willful control.
If I don't have it in me to write that day, which is about 2/3rds of the time right now, I just do some piddly editing on a couple of things, tool around with D&D builds, or screw around on the net.
A project is: A blog post, a game, a short story, a novel, my resume, job cover letters, letters to folks, etc. I try to keep a pretty open spread of things to be working on at any given time. Just today I did some fiddly editing for Drifter's Escape (I forgot to credit Ron! What a dork I am!) and wrote 700 words on "The Wise King and Frost's Boy" which is a short-story/novella length thing I've been working on for a while, part of a collection of stories. I'm hoping to get something else done today, 'cause 1000 words really isn't enough.
So, for instance, when I say I've been stuck in Bliss Stage, it's just that I haven't been writing it for the last few weeks, despite wanting to.
This makes BL go "Jinx"
Hey! I just outlined Bliss Stage's final write-through. I blame this thread.
This makes C urly go "I think you're brilliant"
That's all I meant to imply.
This makes BL go "Thanks"