thread: 2006-02-21 : Adding Objectives to Mechaton
On 2006-02-27, Vincent wrote:
Oh, and: the yellow dice were fun.
This makes NinJ go "Yeah, they totally matter."
I really liked being able to support. I'm thinking about having pure sensor dudes in a future game. Two yellow dice, that's all. So they're probably going way up at the beginning of movement then giving everyone their yellow (or white) dice.
This makes SF go "Combined arms are fun!"
For the same reason "Will+Body" is more fun than a "Fighting" score: You need to combine things to get your desired result, but each element of the combination has consequences beyond the one thing you're optimizing for.
This makes AB go "What's the yellow dice rule?"
Who can you give them away to? I'm assuming it somehow works out that they can only be used to support an attack on a guy you can see better than the guy you're giving them to, or something, but I've not seen the rule anywhere.
This makes AB go "man"
I just noticed quite how old this thread I just marginalia'd is. Sorry.