
thread: 2006-03-01 : BSG

On 2006-03-01, Vincent wrote:

So Meg, Emily and them are playing PTA Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They're playing a sequel set in Cleveland (there's some kind of a canon thing about a Cleveland Hellmouth, whatever). I was going to play but I'm kid care instead, which is fine. But as I was thinking about playing, I was like, y'know, if I were to play PTA Buffy, I'd want it to be about Buffy the Vampire Slayer in Sunnydale CA.

In that case she could have all new friends of our creation, instead of Willow, Xander, etc., but I'd absolutely want one of the PCs to be Buffy and I'd absolutely want it to start in her sophomore year in high school.

I'm inspired by BSG's treatment of its canon. I don't see any reason they can do that and we can't.


This makes SDL go "i love it..."
...of course, since this is a liscence, you can get a head start on this by "renaming" the charcters a bit - just like the BSG modelers do with the craft - in the material, so things are a little differentiated right away. Plus you have two sets to compare!

This makes XP go "I love the fact"
that the actor who played Apollo in the old series has a role in the new series. Unrelated? Maybe. Cool? Yeah!

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