thread: 2005-04-06 : The Whole Point
On 2005-04-11, Tony Pace wrote:
In some ways I quite like Warhammer (and actually I think in decent hands it can work quite well with story concerns - most of the game went surprisingly well), but I was a little disturbed to read on the excellent Roleplayers of Color list that a defining 'gamer racism' moment for him came in WFRP with a series of jokes from some players about how they wanted their characters to strive for the slaver career. Squick.
I mean, on one hand, the reason I like Warhammer is that it doesn't leave all the grime and disease and unpleasantry out of the setting like D&D. The standard D&D town is so antiseptic Hollywood that I feel repulsed by it. On the other hand.... the everything straight to hell aspect of it can get very unpleasant and cynical. And of course that ends up stepping on real people's feelings.
I'm going to pitch InSpectres again and see what people say.