
thread: 2005-04-06 : The Whole Point

On 2005-04-15, xenopulse wrote:

It seems to me that it matters for whether those changes are going to be reliable and guided, or random.

The designer's intent creates all sorts of different effects in the way the game is structured. If the designer sets out to make a game in a focused way, and does it well (i.e., coherently), the resulting game will more reliably produce the desired effect/gameplay/social interaction. That works for all kinds of aspects of game design, not just this one we're talking about now.

As a comparison, does the Legislature's intent in creating a body of law matter for the people who have to obey it? Sure. They can end up with a random bunch of incoherent laws that create all sorts of outcomes, or they can have a coherent design that facilitates interaction and guides social interaction in a certain way.

- Christian


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