
thread: 2005-04-12 : The Biz

On 2005-04-12, Callan wrote:

It's funny. You can sort of see the anticipatory audience grabbing it. Then they go quiet as they play. Once they play it, they talk about it, which sets off the people who were sort of anticpatory but only vaguely heard about it. These guys buy in (and set of a smaller third wave)

On a side note, I think Ron has talked about how some companies simply bank on these two spikes happening (or even just the first spike) for any product, but not the following bit.

The following bit seems to be a slow hill, where you've actually established a community of people who just keep talking and talking, which prompts more community and so on and so forth.

I think it's funny how you can see the social interaction though its concrete effect.

That's how I read such charts anyway. I predict the slow hill will drop slowly over time (like a stretched version of those spikes), and then another hill will rise slowly. Perhaps a little lower, because their are only so many customers out there.


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