
thread: 2006-03-14 : Board Setup in Mechaton

On 2006-03-15, Ninja Monkey J wrote:

Vincent, heroic combat is the reason there's special knocking down rules in HtH! It's the reason the number of units are small! It's the reason every mecha looks different!

I really think it's an underlying assumption of the game design that you're not thinking about because it's totally duh.

I mean, if you wanted area effect weapons, the rule's easy: you divide your damage dice between every effected hex, whether occupied or not. Fun? No! But it's exactly what area effect is for. But who wants stuff like that when you can have pilots gazing their steely eyes across the battlefield, finally seeing that paint job, and saying, "You. I'm coming for you."

The only thing I think should be there that isn't is a Vendetta rule, something like this: if one of your mecha charges straight for one of my mecha and none of your dudes shoot at my dude, you get extra dice in your combat for that fight. As soon as one of your other dudes shoots at my dude, I get those dice.


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