
thread: 2006-03-22 : Mechanics and Flinching

On 2006-03-22, Brand Robins wrote:

Damnit, I hit enter too soon.


I think that for a lot of players this degree of intensity in game, and this dedication to it, is something that requires a lot of focus and work. We're all so used to the difficult teen-years geek-trope mentality of supporting each other* that the idea that we should openly and honestly toss shit at each other is a difficult one to accept at first.

So, I think at that point that good rules for dealing out the adversity and pushing things to the limit can make good training wheels. I do not, as you, think that the outer limits of the issue should be systematized because they have to come out of the folks around the table with us. But I can also see Sydney's point in so far as it goes to training people with mechanics until they see that adversity and difficulty are not a bad thing.

*Outwardly, while using loopholes in the system to cut each others legs out from underneath each other.


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