
thread: 2005-04-12 : The Biz

On 2005-04-17, anon. wrote:

On the very slight chance that anyone is interested in the topic of long-term success ...

Sorcerer books are all far more successful at this point than I ever would have dreamed. Not only did that "long slow climb of the baseline" begin, it's kept going and going. Retailers are apparently very much in the habit of re-ordering the books, and distributors are now very much in the habit of making sure they're fully stocked. Amazing.

Direct sales are disgustingly high. I'm almost embarassed to amass and publish last year's summary (and partly, it would a huge pain in the ass considering the switch from Tundra to Key 20 and IPR). But Brennan ships out my books almost every damn day, or however long his post office intervals are.

The second printing of Sorcerer is on the verge of disappearance, so I have to schedule a third print run within the next month. The first and second supplements are both on their second printing too.

The model seems to be absolutely viable: actual play, personal feedback, fostering a community = long-term success, and the distribution system finally figures out that they can have a piece of it as long as they pay attention and keep re-ordering.

The *really* important point is that I do not have to keep releasing new product in order to generate attention and interest in my games. I can write and release it whenever I feel like it, and recognize that the spikes are pure gravy.



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