
thread: 2006-04-13 : T equals Zero

On 2006-04-13, Matt Wilson wrote:

Oooh! Ooooh! I have a question!

What happens if we've been playing for a bit I just lost a conflict, but all the dice relevant are at d4s and I gots none to lower? Do I have to accept whatever bad thingy you want?

Also, does that work as kind of an encouragement to once in a while accept the other option just because you only have so many die sizes to drop? If my math doesn't suck, you can accept the die penalty thingy for at most 5 conflicts, unless there's a "raise them back up" thing I probably missed.

It also leads me to ANOTHER question (OMG): Does the assumption I'm making above, assuming it's right, make for a kind of game timer, the way budget does in PTA? Are you like, well, I better look for a finale because I'm at all d4s?

Dropping a die size... I cut down on fallout and in only a week I dropped a whole die size!

But yeah, neato, dude!


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