
thread: 2006-04-13 : T equals Zero

On 2006-04-14, Vincent wrote:

Jeph, excellent.

Most specializations are not unique - as many people can have them as happen to have them. At their heart, specializations are for making schools of magic, fighting styles, membership in a mystical order, things like that.

But then you can also use them to make powerful unique things, like ancestral swords and magical bracelets. The only difference is what it means to have them.

"I have frog alchemy. Here, I give you frog alchemy. Now we both have frog alchemy!"

"I have my family's ancestral sword. Here, I give you my family's ancestral sword. Now you have it and I don't!"

Whether it's in play only for this chapter or someone has it on their character sheet doesn't change this.


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