
thread: 2006-04-14 : I love everybody

On 2006-04-15, xenopulse wrote:

Here's one of the issues with blogs and the internets: it's hard to hear a person's tone of voice.

Frex, Vincent, your first two paragraphs of the original post sound postitive to me. The second two sound sniping-cynical-meanish. And judging from other people's reactions, that's not how it comes across to everybody. And that's how arguments get heated in this medium, when people don't get the meaning and tone of a post right.

For my part, I'm still often surprised at how seriously people take all this shit. Lighten up, dudes! We're talking gaming here. If you want to get all up in arms, let's talk about abortion or fascist pseudo-Christian assholes or your momma or something.

- Christian


This makes lpl go "Yo momma so gamist..."

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