
thread: 2006-04-14 : I love everybody

On 2006-04-15, Vincent wrote:

Nope, totally sincere and positive, all four paragraphs.

Also, gaming is more worthy of taking seriously than many things; it's something we spend a lot of time doing, and get a lot of frustration vs satisfaction out of. It doesn't surprise me a bit that people's feelings get genuinely hurt by how other people talk about gaming.


This makes XP go "It surprises me"
But then, I've never cared too much what other people thought about my activities and attitudes. As long as they don't force their way on me, what's the harm? That's where my examples comes in: if you try to force your view on abortion or state-church division on others, people get upset for good reasons. But when someone somewhere says something mean about the way I like to game, I could not care less.

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