
thread: 2006-04-13 : T equals Zero

On 2006-04-18, Avram wrote:

Yeah, makes sense. And the bargaining aspect is pretty cool.

It looks like "I cut your throat while you sleep" isn't automatically fatal, even if Irin's player had rolled a 1 instead of a 7, right? The default penalty for losing is the two die sizes from the appropriate stat, which probably won't be fatal early in the game, so Irin's player could go "Augh, you slash my throat, but miss the windpipe and cartoids."

No, wait, I'm wrong about that. The stakes were "My character comes into your character's chamber in the middle of the night, to kill your character," so losing the conflict has those stakes. The exhaustion/injury rule is in addition to the stakes. Do I have that right?


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