
thread: 2005-04-19 : Turks vs. Oldsters

On 2005-04-19, Chris wrote:

What I want out of play is the same as what you want out of play: a kickass, exciting, gripping game, where I'm my character up to the elbows and deep in the shit, and you the GM are hitting all the right points and keeping me rapt....If you want cool stuff to happen in your game, you have to get the people to say cool things.

And the two things to that are also key- not everyone finds the same things exciting, so its important to know what works for you and your group, AND also that games should make that interesting stuff happen more often than not.

By opening up a little more input around the table, it allows the whole group to say what they like and don't like, and also to make that stuff happen more often.  An unfortunate habit that has become widespread is that for a lot of groups, play slows down as the players try to figure what "to do next"(AKA, what the GM wants them to do), and the GM tries to figure out what the players would find fun to happen next.  In this case, you have two groups of people trying really, really hard to read each other's minds... or perhaps not.

Either way, its not nearly as effective as out and out saying it, and it helps to have a solid system to organize who gets to say what, and how it actually fits together in play.  It's not so much "touchy feely" as much as a logical outgrowth of good rules.


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