
thread: 2006-04-13 : T equals Zero

On 2006-05-16, Vincent wrote:

Colin, in descending order:

3) No. An advantage die lasts for only one round. (It does last for the entire jostling-up process of its one round, though, if there is one.)

2) Read 45, 46 and 47 above, including marginalia.

1) I was going to refer you to 33-37, but I see your marginalia. No, "take the blow" doesn't mean "give." It means "the challenge comes true."

The general answer for your (1) and (2) is: if you make a challenge that's beyond the scope provided for by the consequence rules - giving, going forward with the advantage, or exhausting/injuring vs negotiation - then you can expect to scale back at consequence time.

Do make strong challenges, but do be prepared to scale them back when you win them.


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