
thread: 2006-04-13 : T equals Zero

On 2006-05-16, colin roald wrote:

Darren thought 46 was clear, but I have to say I didn't.  :-/

It appears to me that it only makes sense to give if your opponent offers you consequences less severe than exhaustion or two sides damage. If not, you might as well keep rolling until she manages to double you or you manage to roll better.  Is that correct?

I want to check how you intended this to be interpreted: "Consequently, your character exhausts or injures my character. I lose two die sizes from a stat".  If you choose "exhaustion", then that's instead of damage?  The victor generally gets to choose which stat/die is affected;  does she first get to choose whether it's going to be exhaustion or injury?  I presume yes.  That is, the loser can say, "no, I won't accept death, give me exhaustion or injury," but it's the victor who says, "okay, exhaustion then.  You crumple under the stunning blow, and I stride by to seize the princesss."


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