
thread: 2006-05-17 : Six straightforward examples

On 2006-05-17, John Laviolette wrote:

I was about to completely agree with Thomas, here, that in terms of Mo's definition (and the alternate definition I briefly suggested,) all of these examples are Push. However, I will grant that the negotiations that occur in Push could be interpreted with *itM mechanics... so if Vincent is doing a two-part explanation of Push vs. Pull, and this post is just saying "part I of what you need for Pull is *itM instead of *atE," then I'll agree with that.

I think what hasn't been stated is that, in terms of IIEE, Push is negotiated Intent. Once I've established my intent ("I grab you, heft you bodily, and pitch you over. Scumsucker.") and back it up with my authority, it's Push. If I openly call for negotiations about my intent ("Should I grab you and throw you over? Let's discuss.") then it's Pull. If the negotiations go on subtly without explicit offers (you tell me your character stands perilously close to the edge and seems oblvious to any possible danger,) that's also a Push.


This makes JCL go "ooops"
PULL is negotiated Intent, not Push. Sorry about that.

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