
thread: 2006-05-18 : Mechaton: done playtesting

On 2006-05-18, Emily Care wrote:

This game is a thing of beauty—and I thought that while I was busy being pulled to pieces by J's swarming, spider-like mini-mechs and splatted between the two opposing armies.  (I'm like "oh duh, I just threw my self between the hammer & the anvil" sigh)

The game has rules that determine how you set up based on the resource balance of the different forces that—just as a side effect—get you to set up in an always different,  dynamic situation. (Reiner Knizia eat your heart out.) Not to mention the tremendous amount of interesting strategic decisions you get to make from creating the mechs, to assigning what their components do(my favorite mech was Joshua's super-sneaky scout mech that had no weapons, and just ran all over the battle field making other mechs an easy target for the rest of his army using spotlight/tags he gave it), to moving around and utilizing buildings and rubble as cover.

And! You can use any mech you make.  Crikey. If I had a score in lego I'd be sooo happy now. : ) I am _so_ not the target audience of this game and I can see how much it rocks in every way.  I can't wait to see a table strewn with lego mechs at GenCon.


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