
thread: 2006-05-18 : Mechaton: done playtesting

On 2006-05-19, Emily wrote:

Joshua's strategy of lots of little mechs seemed to work great. Which was satisfying since so often little guys can get stomped all over.  They all got initiative bonuses for having shorter range weapons & the sheer number of them just made us shudder. : )

I had three tastee larger mechs but they got wasted in the cross fire. I should have placed myself better & taken advantage of the long range fire capabilities I had. Two of my mechs had great defensive capabilities, and those were the ones that stuck around the longest.  My smallest mech had extra speedy goodness and it was due to that that I was able to nail that vaporator at the last minute.  *squeak*

I'm looking forward to playing again to get to see other combos in action.

(And Vincent says he "doesn't get gamism". pshaw)


This makes NinJ go "They were supposed to get stomped all over."
I was expecting to lose a couple, but the volume discount really worked amazingly. Why shoot one when there are three more identical ones?

This makes ecb go "Where was my can of Raid?"
I kept thinking I should have an area affect weapon. : )

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