
thread: 2006-05-18 : Mechaton: done playtesting

On 2006-05-19, Avram wrote:

Any chance we could get the current state of the rules all wrapped up in a single document? It took my like ten minutes of hunting to figure out what the "yellow dice" referred to, and I'm still in the dark about flying.


This makes AG go "Oops..."
...I totally missed that Guy Shalev asked basically the same question up in comment #23.

This makes colin go "what *are* yellows?"
I haven't found that rule at all.

This makes MM go "Man."
Just needed to add that I want to play this game so badly, it burns when I pee. that is all.

This makes...
short response
optional explanation (be brief!):

if you're human, not a spambot, type "human":




This reminds colin of aha - yellow dice!