thread: 2006-05-25 : System and character sole-ownership
On 2006-05-26, Ben Lehman wrote:
I think a real danger comes from considering long-term single-character ownership as "more intrinsic" than other forms of ownership.
For instance, I think no one would have a problem if I said "My character shoots my other character in the head."
Now, if we're playing (say) The Pool, and I have narration, "your" character is in the exact same position—the rules have given me complete authority in the same way that they do to you when they say "you say what your character acts and does." So if I say "my character shoots your character in the head," the statement is actually "my character shoots my other character in the head." Having narration in the Pool is, literally, owning all the characters.
The applications of this are very, very broad, extending basically to every game ever.