
thread: 2006-05-25 : System and character sole-ownership

On 2006-05-26, Matt Wilson wrote:

Nothing but nods from me.

Of course I'm thinking about this in relation to the too-brief chat we had on Sunday.

And I'm thinking about the way rules codify ownership and how that motivates or discourages players in terms of investment in characters. And I don't mean 'discourages' in the sense of not wanting to invest at all. It's more like eggs and baskets and how many and where. Do people like characters more when they have greater influence over them?


This makes JSH go "Good question"
My gut-reaction is "No." I'm fully invested in John Locke on LOST, for instance, and I don't have any influence over him. This has also been true of characters in RPG sessions that were under the influence of another player. Often my favorite character from a game series is controlled by someone else.

This makes Mo go "I'd say it depends entirely on the person in question."

This makes SK go "Agreed"
Emphatic agreement with Mo.

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