thread: 2005-04-25 : Technical Agenda
On 2005-04-25, Emily Care wrote:
Christian wrote:Should we split the Purviewist into those that divide responsibility/mechanical handling consistently and those that have rotating or otherwise switching roles?
Back in the day, John LaViolette came up with some good terminology for this sort of thang (in GMless gaming techniques).
FIXED: one person controls a GMing task for an entire game session;
FLEETING: one person controls or shares control of a GMing task for only a brief moment.
Fixed and Fleeting GMing represent a continuum, with the following rough stages:
MOMENT-TO-MOMENT: task control can change the next time someone speaks or makes a roll;
SCENE-TO-SCENE: task control only changes when the time and place in the game world changes;
AREA-TO-AREA: locations or times are grouped in large contigous blocks, with task control changing when the area changes (example: each city has a GM);
GAME-TO-GAME: task control remains fixed for an entire session or perhaps multiple sessions.