thread: 2006-05-25 : System and character sole-ownership
On 2006-05-30, Ben Lehman wrote:
Basically agreeing with Tony—I've never, ever seen a character actually break. It seems to me similar to "suspension of disbelief—" it doesn't actually break, it's just a way of arguing to get what you want. Characters are resilient things.
Now, enjoyment can break, particularly when a disagreement about a character's actuion drags out into a long systematic exercise (say, a 5-hour long combat in D&D, or a week long huff in consensus freeform*, both of which I have seen.) But that's just a question of not having a crappy system. I'm wondering if character breaking isn't simply enjoyment breaking.
P.S. Not saying that all freeform is crappy, but merely that you want a freeform system in which week-long huffs are not encouraged nor effective.