
thread: 2005-04-25 : Technical Agenda

On 2005-04-29, anon. wrote:

TonyLB: "The notion that the rules can preserve setting details in the face of concerted player action is, I think, flawed."

Character action, I said. How powerful are your characters relative to the world around them? That's a technical concern.

Oh... now I'm confused.  Is this an outcome of the mechanics?  Or the setting and situation?

If I have a bunch of samurai laboring up the side of Mt. Fuji, and I play it in Capes, isn't the relationship between the world and the characters identical to Mountain Witch?

And, follow-up question:  If you consider the moral basis of the universe as part of the "established elements of setting", does that make Dogs a roughshodist game?  Or is it preservationist because it's always going to be a western with religious overtones?


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