
thread: 2006-07-27 : 10 Observations from my Berlin trip

On 2006-07-29, Ron Edwards wrote:

I thought I had replied, but I forgot to type the anti-bot Word!!

Levi, or anyone, if you want to know more about Spione publication, please email me. The website is going public soon, too. Brief answer here: I'm not planning to use IPR or any other RPG outlet, at this point.

Harald's right about the bookstores, but that will be secondary as well, at least as currently planned.

Wow, DRASTIC looks a lot like The Window. My tastes run more toward Barbaren ...

Vincent, feel free to say what you'd like about any Spione stuff. The lid is off, effectively, although again, it's not really a topic for general RPG audiences or sites.

I'd appreciate others respecting that too.


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