thread: 2006-07-27 : 10 Observations from my Berlin trip
On 2006-07-31, Ron Edwards wrote:
Relevant to the above points, I was awfully stupid as a rules-coach during the Berlin event. I misled Eero at least twice.
1. I said the Aces applied to *all* cards on each side, but the rules say (more sensibly) that they only apply to the starting card on each side.
2. I said that Supporting Cast could be removed from the game positively through Flashpoints, which is wrong; what Seth just said is right.
I blame the heat, but both of these bits of advice were counter-productive and I owe Eero an apology for them.
Hi Jon! I'm hoping that the Agency sheets content of the current text helps with Spy-oriented conflicts, and that seems to have worked out pretty well. Now one can look at, say, the SIS in the 1970s and say, "Oh! *That's* the kind of hassle that characterizes this period," and apply it to the handlers and tradecraft on the principal's Spy Side.