
thread: 2006-07-31 : Cover in Mechaton

On 2006-07-31, Vincent wrote:

Here's a bird's-eye view showing the first effect:

The green guy's just as close to the left-hand wall as the purple guy is to the right-hand wall, but the green guy has to lean all the way over there to get a shot, and the purple guy can just shift his weight to the other leg.

Now, designing a game you pretty much just get to decide how you're going to abstract this kind of thing. "Let's pretend that cover fills the hex solidly, in a perfect hex shape, from ground to sky" is a very common solution to the problem. Mine is the opposite solution: "let's pretend that all cover is full of holes and you can stand on tiptoe or lean around a lot to get a good shot."

Mine's not a better solution in principle - I think it suits Mechaton better is all - but it's not pure game. It's an abstraction of a real thing.

I meant to post this, argumentatively, almost a month ago, when it was relevant to current discussions, but stuff interfered. Now I'm posting it and everybody's going "jeez, what's up Vincent's butt? Who's he arguing with?"

The answer is, nobody! I'm just arguing. Don't mind me.


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