
thread: 2006-07-27 : 10 Observations from my Berlin trip

On 2006-08-01, Settembrini wrote:

Don??t give me the "Your mind is stuck in regular RPGs" drill.
I know all that. I didn??t care for an Avatar, or his impotency, or James Bond movies. I tried hard to get the suggested themes rolling.
Weakness can be great, random chance can be great. The "cold" can be great.
But Spione itself is a leasuire activity of collaborative story creation, isn??t it? And I as a PLAYER want to have influence. As the mechanic is total randomness, my ideas and themes only come to fruiton or to relevance out of luck.
THAT is the big downer for me. And I think this is criticism which should be uttered, as Ron surely wants to appeal to different kinds of people. I do not see anything "Gamer" specific in my point.


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