
thread: 2006-08-16 : GenCon 06 observations 1-4

On 2006-08-16, wundergeek wrote:

I pretty much avoid the artists' booths at conventions like GenCon because of the rampant chain mail bikini art that seems to be synonymous with "fantasy art". I think the worst offender I saw this con was the dryad pouring water all over herself (complete with nipple-covering white sticker to make it con-safe).

I very much enjoyed the Forge booth because it was one of the only places in the dealer's room that I didn't feel conspicuous for being female. So I have to thank everybody from the Forge booth for being so enlightened because it was nice to have a refuge from the surprised looks I got in many of the other booths. ("Boobies! Uh... I mean... women! At the con! OMG!" >:P)


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