thread: 2006-08-16 : GenCon 06 observations 1-4
On 2006-08-17, Scarz wrote:
Well, Bachhanal had some of that (didn't it?). I can't remember if it was full frontal nudity or what, but a big girl was on there. Likewise, the first version of TSOY.
Here's what I don't like, and where the danger lies: forcing everyone into a politically correct mold ("we can't depict large breasts ever- that would be sexist!") will not serve you creatively. If someone wants to depict breasts, or penises or whatever, then let it serve the product, and let the public and peers decide. But please don't let this be a creativity-crushing collectivist-enforcement thing.
It's amazing that you guys can talk gleefully about throbbing cocks, but nobody would dare to talk about glistening—wait, what is the female analog word to cock? Is anyone hoping for a game about that, or would that be over the line?
Girls who dress like Drow elves rock.