
thread: 2006-08-16 : GenCon 06 observations 1-4

On 2006-08-19, sammy wrote:

First - many many condolences on your loss, Vincent.

Now, back to nudity and sex.

Back in, oh, '93 or so, I ran a Shadowrun campaign which was terrible and horrible and occasionally quite fun, mostly because I had people with a sense of humor playing.  One of them was Vincent.

Having played the same character for several months, he decided that he wanted to try something else, and brought on a physical ad... okay, a berserker. We cooked up some rules, and a little while later we had Jan, who carried a really quite large axe and worshiped the old Norse gods (Thor, specifically).

At some point, he showed me a sketch that he probably banged out in about 3 minutes. It showed Jan, seated facing away from the viewer. She was nude, her axe resting across her lap (not in any kind of provocative pose), and a large Thor's Hammer tattoo was visble across her shoulder blades.  It was both tasteful and unbelievably sexy.


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