
thread: 2006-08-16 : GenCon 06 observations 1-4

On 2006-08-19, Meguey wrote:

(Wow, there're at least three conversations going on here at once.)

Matt & James, re: women gamers meeting - I'm going to work up a post about that; watch Fair Game for it sometime this coming week.

John, re: cocks in gaming art - The art in Agon is awesome, don't get me wrong. But that horse's leg has fig-leaf-like overtones. I bet there's other art you could find to add or swap, rather than changing that piece if you don't want to alter the existing artwork.

Frank, re: Barbaren and feminism - Yeah, it's shallow praise to say "Hey, there's no rape!", and I think your comentary on the game as a way to mock sexism is good. We've gone rounds about how often or not rape turns up in text or play or whatever, and I still think it's interesting commentary that it's forbidden in Barbaren.

Julie, Tris & Ron, re: cocks != boobies - Well, yeah. Also, there's a dificulty in showing women's genitalia explicitly, because (and I think this was part of Tris' point) it's less evident. I can easily see showing nude women, complete with pubic hair and breasts, and nude men, complete with penises and nipples, but a naked woman just hanging out in her skin does not generally have all her genitalia on display the way a man does, just by accident of biological form. Maybe a bit of a curve of labia majora, perhaps a bit of minora for some women. Clit? Not in any non-clinical or non-sexual pose I can imagine.

Sydney & Guy, re: names for parts - I always liked 'yoni' or 'vulva' better than 'vagina'. Yoni and vulva are softer and prettier sounding, to me. Also, the vagina is only one particular part of the whole wonderful package. It'd be kind of like calling a penis a urethra instead, IMO. I get the idea of privacy and all, and it's been a weird road to raise sons and go through their learning about how stretchy little penises are and not to do that in the supermarket. So far, they seem reasonably well socialzed, thank goodness!

Sam & Matt, re Vincent and Shadowrun: Yep, and it was KICKASS!


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