
thread: 2006-08-27 : Kerflufflizing

On 2006-08-27, Ben Lehman wrote:

PEOPLE!  You are missing the point.

Read the original linked post and the post that comes before it.

A good game can sell no copies because the designer failed to think about how the game fits into society as a whole.  This is a failure of the game and a failure of the game's designer, but it doesn't mean the game is gee-whiz or fun or satisfying to play, but it means it fails as a social thing.

The missing ingredient for the games that are awesome but don't sell well is social context, which has crap all to do with your social connections.

I guess it's easier to blame your doubt and insecurity on connections, though.


P.S.  I will not comment negatively on other published games in public, similarly how I will not "call people out" or other such juvenile behavior (I remember there was a long call for me to "name names" at some point about some other kerfluffle—won't happen).  I will freely and joyfully tear apart non-published games either here or in the first thoughts forum as my time allows.  This has to do with the culture of creativity that I was raised in (novelists) and it's not changing any time soon.

P.P.S.  Getting a social group that will treat your game properly and roughly is not hard.  I'll post a guide in a couple of days.


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