
thread: 2006-08-27 : Kerflufflizing

On 2006-08-27, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:


Cause and effect.

Good, well-playtested game = lots of people (including Ron and Vincent) interested in playing it. Ron and Vincent are just better than most people about posting about their experiences.

A thread about your game by Ron or Vincent gets people to buy it because they know that someone who has good taste in games has enjoyed it.

I'm not accusing you of this, Jasper, but there's been a little bit of cry-baby "my game doesn't sell because it's not something so-and-so posts about" going around. And what I'm trying to say is that that's not magic. People post about good games.

There was a time when no one knew Vincent's name. Dogs in the Vineyard is, and excuse me, Vincent, the world's least likely good idea. I saw the concept once (I have to set up playtest forums on the Forge) and thought, "A game about Mormons or something? What?" and ignored it until I later read the rules and then read a playtest and thought, "Wow - this is good!" Vincent's word about games carries weight because he understands good game construction and, to use Ben's term, games' social context.

But I'm explaining a lot without completely understand. Jasper - what are you trying to get at? That influential people have a responsibility as to what they post about?


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