
thread: 2006-08-27 : Kerflufflizing

On 2006-08-28, Matt S wrote:

Vincent, thanks. I'm interested, but I don't have any idea how that happens. It seems to me that we're saying we want the "good ol' days" of the Forge back. You know, getting the band back together like before the big sellout. Ah, hell, I'm joking around too much, and I know how far that's gotten me this past week. ... Yes, that sounds great. How does that happen? 'Cause at the moment I'm blank.

Guy, I think that's a pretty fair summation. No quibbles here. Yes, I'm very uncomfortable with sounding like a whining victim. Very. Yes, I'm attempting to do this less for my own sake alone than for people in comparable circumstances.

Ben, already on it.


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