thread: 2006-08-27 : Kerflufflizing
On 2006-08-28, Kaare berg wrote:
If we are talking sales here you got to include the customers, or the sosial group you are aiming for.
Sorry, and this is not correct Tris.
Ignore that this is games for a second. It's product. And I think the rules are pretty much the same for selling any product:
It has to be good.
It has to be well marketed.
it helps, but it isn't a cosmic truth.
Many good products don't sell.
Many bad products sell.
You have to make a game that people want to play. A product that your customers want.
You can make "The great American game," but you'd be hard pressed to sell it to a buch of World of Warcraft players unless you had HP and DPS in it.
I take it this is what Ben is talking about.