
thread: 2006-08-27 : Kerflufflizing

On 2006-08-29, wundergeek wrote:

It is just as easy for someone who lives in total obscurity to sell a game as it is for a ???famous game designer???. I live in Canada, not Western Massachusetts. I didn???t meet Vincent until this year, and even then we talked for maybe half an hour all told. I am someone completely unconnected to any of the ???cool kids??? at the Forge.

None the less, I have been responsible for around 10-15 sales of Dogs (last time I counted responses in the threads) after writing up an Actual Play post of the end of our Dogs campaign more than two years ago. We had an awesome game that inspired me to write a fitting tribute. People got excited about what we did with our game, and bought copies of their own. Simple. People pay attention to the content of Actual Play threads, not the authors.


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