
thread: 2006-08-27 : Kerflufflizing

On 2006-08-30, Curly wrote:

Personality IS related to how well games sell.

Vincent's got a certain Warren Zevon charisma that people like.
You meet him, or read him online—and you want him to do well.
Dogs is written in his voice, and the appeal carries over.

Polaris = Ben's poetic nature.  BW = Luke's drive.

Likewise, Ron's Forge essays are inseperable from his personality.

If you like the guy, you're gonna like the game, the theory, the blog, the opinion... the endorsement of somebody else's game.

So is it fair to complain if those guys (or other 'names') don't throw enough of their affinity behind another Forgite's game?

I think the answer depends on how each successful/well-liked personality approaches the Forge.

Anyone who believes-in or promotes the Forge community as an inviting, un-clique-ish place; has an obligation to support all compatriots with a requisite minimum degree of enthusiasm.  Or else risk being a hypocrite.

Anybody who describes the Forge in less idealistic terms—"it is what it is/ it doesn't owe anybody any more than the members feel like giving"—is free to extend their coat-tails as they see fit... no further obligation.  Except the obligation to not hype the Forge as more open-armed than it really is.


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