
thread: 2006-08-27 : Kerflufflizing

On 2006-08-31, Curly wrote:

" Based on the above, it would then follow that if you lie about how much you like a game, or support a game you don't know anything about you are not being a hypocrite because you are giving the requisite minimum amount of support. This also takes a very narrow view of what support is."


From the very top, this thread has been about whether community members ought to abstain from making negative-sounding criticisms in public.  At no point did anyone advocate telling outright lies.  That's an absurd extrapolation.  Nor did anyone advocate a "narrow view" that a show of solidarity in public should be the only form of support given.

For what it's worth, I disagree with Ben & Vincent.  I think it would be healthier if kerfluffles did run their course in public view, rather than a closet.

Transparency is healthy.


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