
thread: 2006-09-08 : Salvation, damnation, justification, a la Sydney

On 2006-09-09, Vincent wrote:

Here's my honest question.

That's all stories, though, isn't it? I mean, you say "God does this" and "Jesus did that," but is there any reason for me to believe that any of it, y'know, actually happened?

Athena gave success to Odysseus, Jesus rose from the dead, King Arthur invented chivalry, Moses parted the Red Sea, the Easter Bunny lays chocolate eggs, Titania fell in love with Nick Bottom. Stories, you know?

I love stories. I'm reading Old Testament stories to the kids for bedtime stories just now; they're really interesting. But they do not at all sound to me like things that really happened to real people in real life. They sound like stories.

What reason on earth do I have to think otherwise?


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