
thread: 2006-09-08 : Salvation, damnation, justification, a la Sydney

On 2006-09-09, Vincent wrote:

I thought of one! It's a two-parter.

Presume that I don't care about my eternal soul. Heaven, hell, don't care. (In fact, if I cared what happened to me after I die, I'd investigate Hinduism or something - all else equal, I'd rather be reincarnated than go to heaven.) So leave my eternal soul out of it.

Part 1: What benefit should I expect from becoming an Episcopalian? Spiritual, emotional, familial, whatever, but in this lifetime - how would being an Episcopalian make me happier than I am? Especially, what benefit should I expect from becoming an Episcopalian that I couldn't expect from converting to Judaism or Taoism or back to Mormonism or something?

Part 2: Say that I decide to give Episcopalianism an honest try. How long will an honest try take me, how much effort will it require, and how will I know at the end whether it's paying off or not? If x happens, that's how I'll know to stick with the religion; if y happens, that's when I can reject the religion with confidence. What are x and y?


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