
thread: 2006-09-08 : Picky-choosy religion, 3 views

On 2006-09-10, Curly wrote:

Regarding toy cat worship, please consider Alan Moore— who worships a Roman snake god named Glycon who he knows full-well was exposed to be a hand puppet in the 2nd century A.D.

Regarding "casually mixing and matching mythologies and rituals from different sources you don't particularly understand, you're playing with fire"—well, that's Eve biting the apple.  In other words the human condition.  A toy cat that's loooong out of the box.  A silly thing to warn against.  Like telling children not to read, because they don't know what all the words mean yet.

Regarding Cthulhu:

If you've ever met subgenii, they were probably all too similar to nerds who think Dork Tower is a laff riot.  But the book is really worth considering.  A legitimate alternative to the dreary prose of both Episcopalians and Unitarians.  Honest:

Another county heard from.


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