
thread: 2006-09-08 : Salvation, damnation, justification, a la Sydney

On 2006-09-13, Fletcher wrote:

This is in response to something waaaay up there that Vincent wrote, about the Bible being just stories.

If there's one thing that I find particularly compelling about the Bible, it's this:

The Dead Sea Scrolls. It's a copy of the Old Testament that dates back to the 1st or 2nd century BC. Jesus was born around 0 CE, give or take a few years. Why does that matter? Because in the scrolls there are prophecies concerning the coming Messiah, which Jesus fulfills to the letter, at least 100 years after the scrolls were written.
Those scrolls also contain the stories about Moses and the great kings of Israel, and the not so great kings of Israel, and the history of the Hebrew nation. So if something is true about what hasn't happened yet, why wouldn't it also be true about what has already happened?


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