
thread: 2006-09-15 : Doing religion with someone can be exactly wrong

On 2006-09-15, Ian Burton-Oakes wrote:

(Okay, I have been trying to find the right words for a while now. These feel like them.)

Both you and Meg have this gift, Vincent. You have a sense of the human scale of all these things you write about.  It shows up here, in the previous post about Jon, in her heartbreaking meditation on your father's passing, in her delightful recounting of the carnival, in Dogs, in 1001 Nights.

I admire it and it is something that I have tried to cultivate in my own life.  What you two have both written has served as touchstones for me in that regard.  I have printed them out, shared with my wife.

I have heard some people say when they read some personal reflections that it was 'like I was there.'  I wouldn't say that about these things and I think that is part of their beauty.  These are yours, hers, and they make me appreciate what is mine, in a way that is so contrary to the narcissistic, selfish way that term gets used most times.

Thank you to both of you for taking the time to write about these things and share them.  I thought about saying this at fairgame, too, but I feel like it would lose something in the repetition.


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